Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ready for the Bighorn 30k Trail Run

I am ready.

I’ve given myself a manicure and a pedicure and have my race stuff mostly packed. Would I look silly carrying a purse on the trail because I’m not sure this is all going to fit in my fuel belt and Race Ready shorts?

4 gels
Extra socks
Sunscreen (sample sized)
Tissue paper
Dirty Girl Gaiters
Endurolyte capsules
Tampons (super sized)
Chewing gum
Ipod Shuffle (for the final couple of hard miles)
Cellphone (for taking pictures or calling 911 as needed)
Hat or visor? (Game Day decision)
Jacket – will leave in the drop bag
Pull on pants – will leave in the drop bag

Pickles, Onions, on a sesame seed bun.

Hoping I won't attract any bears on the trail

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PR's and Blood Blisters

My Deadwood-Mickelson Trail Half Marathon went well. I logged my new fastest time (2:05:20) and got 2 nice blood blisters for my efforts. The course through the Black Hills of South Dakota is incredibly scenic with every turn offering another delight. The first handful of miles is run through the trees on a nice, easy downhill grade. Then all of a sudden you turn a corner and the trees part to reveal a lovely green valley. From there we were in and out of trees, followed along a stream, crossed several wooden bridges, and finally finished in quaint downtown Deadwood. Then the fun part of cheering friends as they finished their own races. It was a good day. Now on to the Bighorn 30km trail run!