Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back to running.

I missed most of my favorite running events this spring and summer but did do the Bloomsday 12k in Spokane and the Women's Run 5 mile. Those 12.46 miles were the only miles I ran the entire month of May which is not a good training program. Of course, I suffered a setback but I expected that. Just hated to miss those two events.

So after a lengthy rehab period I am back to running. My long run is currently at 3 miles and my pace is slower but at least I am running. This morning, it occured to me that it used to take me 3 miles just to feel warmed up and now that's my long run. Oh well, with time and good health comes more mileage. On today's run, I also realized that for the first time in a long time I barely thought about how my injured leg felt. Previously, I was constantly monitoring how the injured muscle was feeling. It's sure nice to be able to let all that go and just run.

I've had to give up my plans of doing a Sept or Oct half marathon. It just didn't seem wise to try to build mileage that fast at the risk of re-injury. Instead, we are planning to bike the 109 mile Mickelson Trail in South Dakota with some friends. More on that later....